Barbie & the Bible: An Editor’s Introduction
By Tamisha Tyler, EFSR Co-Editor
In the Summer of 2023, American audiences were delighted with the new Barbie movie. The film not only sparked nostalgia in its audiences, but it also served as a take on women’s empowerment and discovery. Its commercial success led many to consider how Barbie changed our lives and culture.
These blogs represent some of the thoughts from our FSR community. In “Playful Scholarship,” Alexiana Fry talks about her experience at a conference on Barbie and the Bible, while Jaeda Calaway speaks to the unconventional journey of identity and power in “Becoming Weird, Becoming Woman.” Each of these offerings conveys the ongoing conversations that the Barbie film and toy spark in our understanding of feminism and religion. We hope they add some good fodder to your thoughts as well.
As always, we welcome more submissions around this topic and others. For generating and helping craft this mini-@theTable series, we would also like to thank EFSR Board Member Meghan R. Henning.