Feminist Studies in Religion (FSR) is looking to fill the role of Submissions Editor for the FSR BLOG. This position will begin on July 1, 2022. The Submissions Editor position is a paid internship with a $13,500 stipend to be paid semiannually. This position comes with no health or retirement benefits. This job is best […]
FSR supports the #ScholarStrike on September 8th and 9th, a 48 hour period for scholars to take a stand against racism, especially anti-Black racism. For more information, see academeblog.org, InsideHigherEd, and CNN. Additionally, see the American Academy of Religion’s statement and the Keeping it 101 podcast’s reflection on the strike. If you would like to participate in the #ScholarStrike, visit the action’s official […]
By Sarah Imhoff. Manthologies are a network problem. I’m not talking about some technical connectivity issue; I’m talking about networks of humans. Who knows whom, how and why, and how they are connected. Anthologies full of the work of male scholars are not a problem solely because of networks, but thinking about the networking aspect […]
By Alison L. Joseph. It has taken me months to build up the courage to write this post about my personal contribution to the preservation of gender imbalance. But here’s the truth, even for a person who is committed to gender parity, achieving an ideal is very challenging. You might stop reading right now and […]
By Michal Raucher. Recently I opened my email to find an alert from an academic listserv about a book titled, Kashrut and Jewish Food Ethics, edited by Shmuly Yanklowitz. As an active member of the Society of Jewish Ethics and an associate editor of the Journal of Jewish Ethics, I eagerly scrolled down to read […]
By Mara Benjamin. man·thol·o·gy · noun · /manˈTHäləjē/: 1. A collection of writings by different authors, the vast majority of whom are men. 2. a popular form of scholarly production, produced by an intellectually myopic volume editor, an insufficiently critical publishing house editor, and the passive complicity of contributors. When I was asked to write […]
This should come as news to no one, but academe has a gender problem. Despite the fact that half or even more than half of doctoral degrees are awarded to women in the US, and even fewer awarded to women of color, female PhDs are still underrepresented in many fields. Additionally, women hold fewer (though […]
Position: Assistant Professor of Women and Gender Studies and Jewish Studies. Focus/Specialization: Social science; women and gender in Jewish culture, religion, or politics. Department(s): Program in Jewish Studies and the Department of Women and Gender Studies. Institution: University of Colorado – Boulder. Level: Tenure-track. Deadline: 15 November 2018 (review of applications begins). Website: https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail/Assistant-Professor-Women-and-Gender-Studies-and-Jewish-Studies/13155?. Official Posting (https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=57370): The Program in Jewish Studies and the Department of Women […]
Position: Research Associate and Visiting Faculty (5 positions). Focus/Specialization: Religion and Gender. Department: Women’s Studies in Religion Program. Institution: Harvard Divinity School. Level: Open rank, tenure-track. Deadline: 15 October 2018. Website: https://wsrp.hds.harvard.edu/apply. Official Posting (https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=57255): HARVARD DIVINITY SCHOOL announces five full-time positions as Research Associate and Visiting Faculty for 2019-20 in its Women’s Studies in Religion Program. Proposals for book-length research projects […]
Position: Professor of Religion and LGBTQ/Queer Studies. Focus/Specialization: Open and may include historically informed, comparative, and globally engaged approaches to the study of religion. Department: Department of Religion. Institution: Columbia University. Level: Open rank, tenure-track. Deadline: 1 November 2016. Website: https://academicjobs.columbia.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=63421. Official Posting (https://chroniclevitae.com/jobs/0000333423-01): The Department of Religion at Columbia University invites applications for an open rank appointment in religion and […]